Report Generation

There are several reports that will help in this case: Entities, Fields, and Relationships. All of the relevant Dynamics CRM/365 metadata will be extracted and added to various Excel worksheets.

We have three reports for web resources:

  • The Web Resources report lists all web resources within the organization.
  • The JScript Library report lists the Entities and Forms where each JScript Library is used.
  • The JScript Function Reference report documents each Form Event within the organization and what function is being called for that event.

The User Privileges reports show what security has been applied to the user after their personal and team security roles have been taken into consideration.

Power Docs uses an Dynamics CRM/365 SDK call to actually perform this query, then creates a report that resembles that of the Security Role report so that you can easily understand what is what.

Finally, the raw User Privilege data can be extracted should you need to perform a programmatic or other type of analysis of the data.

There are reports for each that contain the most relevant information about each entity type.

Custom security roles and their privileges are documented and look exactly like the forms with Dynamics CRM – right down to the colored circles.

In addition, all of the raw privilege data can also be captured for comparison from one version to the next and from one security role to another.

Unfortunately, just the basic configuration information. The information that makes up the actual steps, stages, etc., is encoded and is not documented by Microsoft. Over the years I have made several attempts at producing documentation but so far, all of my results have failed to be reliable, given the variety of environments and versions currently available.

Licensing and Usage

While you do not have to have the System Administrator Role, it really does help because some parts of Dynamics CRM/365 are only accessible by Administrators.

Yes. There is no technical difference between the two environments besides the initial authentication, which will vary depending on the connection method.

Power Docs is licensed by Dynamics CRM/365 organization so an unlimited number of users may use the software.

This is great if you have different teams or business analysts who are working within the same Dynamics 365 system but are on different projects.

Power Docs can connect to an unlimited number of Dynamics CRM/365 organizations. You just have to have a valid license file for each organization to which you connect.

Just email us any time within the first 30-days of using Power Docs, explain why you are unhappy, and we’ll refund your full purchase price.

But will that not open you up for fraud and misuse?” Actually yes, it does. There are always people who try and take advantage. But there are many more who will not. We will take the side of the latter.

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